Gesucht: 15-25KMT-STST Chemikalientanker - Vintage
Anfrage ID 1312
Kategorie Öltanker, Chemikalientanker
Baujahr 2000...2005
Nachtragsdatum anfordern 2021-11-03
Hinzugefügt von Xiaobo Xu (SIMPSON | SPENCE | YOUNG)

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Wanted: 15-25KMT-STST Chemical Tankers - Vintage
Dear All,
I have a client, who has just acquired two units, they still want one more vintage STST chemical tanker:
-Prefer S.Korea/Japan built
-Year Built 2000-2005
-AG-Japan range delivery only
Please kindly propose if you have suitable candidates.
Best Regards.
Xiaobo Xu (???)
Tanker Project | Singapore
50 Raffles Place #14-01/02 Singapore Land Tower Singapore (048623)
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